Day by day, we make several decisions on various issues of life. From what to eat to what to wear, to where to go to and what to do. Every of our life’s action is a product of the decisions we make. This content titled "Decision Fatigue: Causes and its Effect on Website conversion rate" tends to discuss the subject matter of our decisions, decision fatigue and how it affects our websites conversion rate. As a result of the fact that we make tons of decisions every day, the issue of decision fatigues arises. In turn, it affects several things about us. We will consider how visitor’s decision fatigue affects our website or how our decision fatigue affects other people’s website. We will also try to provide a brief explanation of what conversion rate means. To better explain and buttress the point, its paramount we provide the definition to the key terms in this topic. According to advance learners’ dictionary, decision is the act of making up your mind about something. It c...
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