You’ve created your new website and have made all your permutations on how to start making big money every month end. You’ve already started planning on how to spend and save your income and all of a sudden, there is no single headway for you. This is exactly the story with the blog you are currently reading. It took exactly one year after creation for it to get Google AdSense Approval. But why that long duration? This is the question this post seeks to answer. It seems as if getting Google AdSense approval has gotten tougher than it used to be in the past. You hardly see an account that gets approved within its first 3 months which was not so in the past. This has made people resort to other Ad Networks and monetization alternatives . Although there are lots of other monetization strategies for website owners outside Google Adsense, yet Adsense seems to be the king among them all. By the way, the aim of running a website is to make profit. Blogging becomes terrible when you are not a...
Family, Politics, Entertainment, Fashion, Gossip